Life at the speed of light…

Life has been… well… crazy over the past month. I’ve travelled 1366 miles via air, 633 miles via car all in the name of work. Received some awesome training and got to learn some new stuff as well. One more class next month and I’ll be done travelling for a while…hopefully. Then I need to work on my certification from after the class in August.

As I said in a previous post, July has been the month of reunions. I had the opportunity to get together with Tim, Ed, Tristen, and Ed and Tristen’s two kids while in Los Angeles. It was the first time all of us have been in the same place at once… since 1997. Now that I’m back at homebase for the time being, I need to concentrate on getting things ready for the Fall semester. Luckily things are in good shape.

I guess that is about it for now. Any updates, fun memes, and any non-critical e-mail will be answered by the end of August. As for now, I’m going to spend some quality time with my cats. They have missed me over the past few weeks.


This weekend has gone faster than I expected. I had a great time at the BBQ last night – I’m glad I went. Hopefully we all stay in better contact with one another and have another reunion at some point. Today I’m just exhausted as I am trying to prepare for LALA land. I also need to mow the lawns today. My poor lawn looks like a war zone. The gopher(s) are back and are making a ton of mounds. :( I have a special treat for those darn things if I can find a tunnel.

I’m ready to curl up and take a nap, but I can’t since I am trying to get my laundry done. The cats are currently sleeping. Cocoa is up on the top level of the cat tree sleep and Angel is at the sliding glass door sunbathing/sleeping. I wish I could live the life of a cat – they have such a nice life!

More reunions…

Well if this isn’t the month for reunions of old friends! Yesterday afternoon I got a call from my friend Andy’s wife. She said that there were people coming in town for an Alder Hall reunion and that they were having it tomorrow. I was a bit surprised about the short notice, but arrived at Redwood Park about 11 this morning. It’s hard to believe I haven’t seen some of these folks in 10 years. This is the group of Alder Hall students during my first year residence. It was nice catching up with them to say the least.

Of everyone that showed up, everyone that was a couple back then is now married to them and they have kids. In fact, I was the only “single” bachelor there. I’m off to a bbq in a little bit over at one of their houses. It’s hard to believe it’s been 14 years since I started college at Humboldt State! Ah well, time flies when you are having “fun” right?

Well, I guess I should get ready to get off to the bbq. That should be a hoot! Too bad I couldn’t come up with a date in the meantime! heh.

The Clintons, Part 2…

Recently I mentioned that I was introduced to The Clintons via my friend Katie. Well, since my last post about them I had signed up for their bootleg CD list. Yesterday I received my copy of Bootleg #1 CD signed by one of the band members. Totally sweet. The Clintons want to have their music heard and allow distribution (copying) of the CD. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll burn you a copy – legally!

I cannot wait for Bootleg #2 to come out!

Long time… No Post?

Life is proven to be busy lately.  It has been a non-stop ride for a while.  Work is going well and things are going smoothly with the software installs/updates.  My social schedule has been filled to the brim, and I’m going to get educated in the near future on various topics for work.   Ummm yeah… Almost forgot I had ressurected this blog.

For 10 days I had the pleasure of having an old college friend of mine and her daughter at my place for a visit.  I haven’t seen her in 10 years so it was nice to get more caught up and show her 9 year old daughter all around Humboldt County.  Did I get tired?  Yup.  I haven’t climbed so many hills, rocks, stairs, etc. in a long time.  Am I out of shape?  Yup.  Am I going to have time to do anything about it this summer?  Questionable.

For a summer that initally looked to be light, has turned out to be one of the busiest summers on record.  I thought summers were for vacations?  Guess not.  I definitely need to do something this fall or I’ll go bonkers.  I’ve spent way too much time behind the Redwood Curtain this year.